Test Server for PPI

Publishing test-results of pyaeroval

All pyaeroval results produced on PPI/lustreB can be easily published for data-analysts (both at MET and outside) here.

To do that, the modeller has to create a subdirectory under /lustre/storeB/project/fou/kl/emep/Web/AeroVal and link the data-directory to that directory, e.g. for the heikok_project:

        # on PPI, e.g. ppi-r8login-b1
        cd /lustre/storeB/project/fou/kl/emep/Web/AeroVal
        mkdir heikok_project
        cd heikok_project
        ln -s /lustre/storeB/users/heikok/path/to/my/data .
The data is then available at http://aeroval-test.met.no/heikok_project and will be shown with the latest aeroval visualization.